Our life in color
Brownie & Burger (our rescued baby cows that are heifers by now)
Morning chores are followed by lots of brushing and cuddles. They will not start their day without it; and I wouldn’t choose otherwise:)
Did you know that interaction with chickens is great for your mental health?
Our original flock it was around twelve; unfortunately we lost some due to Hurricane Ian so we decided to be in the front side of it. Now we are about 25 plus . Never been really good at math. At least half an hour of Chicken TV has become a must at The Cabin, surely we all enjoy it.
Oh la la , life with goats…
The kids are vocal, and demanding, and in need of a lot of attention. We are raising a family of Myotonic Goats, while they are small and docile their sporadic fainting episodes will raised your heartbeat and bring a smile to your face.
Our main power tool equipment
“The Mule”
Our days end riding The Mule with our beloved pup Stella. Mostly assessing the land and dreaming of, hopefully, nearby plans: more fencing, a barn or two, more animals, better water drainage. Follow along this journey!